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SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Luke produces research data and tools to help society and the natural resource sector adapt to and combat climate change. We report annually on emissions and removals from the agriculture and land-use sector and are continuously developing methods to improve the calculation of greenhouse gas balances. We use these emissions calculations in scenario analyses to inform the development of climate and energy policies and policy recommendations for the agriculture and forestry sectors.

In 2022, we conducted a scenario analysis to determine the climate targets of the Climate Plan for the Land Use Sector.  The plan is linked to Finland’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2035. According to our scenario analysis, the net effect of the plan’s measures will be 4.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents by 2035 compared to the baseline scenario. This exceeds the plan’s minimum target by 1.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.

In this section, we outline ways to prepare for climate change, in particular through pest research, security of supply in agriculture and the genetic engineering of fish. We also address climate change mitigation by considering how agricultural and forestry incentive schemes should be developed to ensure that they contribute to Finland’s carbon neutrality goals.

Policy recommendations in 2022: 2

Total number of articles in 2022: 55

Proportion of open access articles: 78%